Online Education

Financial Literacy for America's Youth

Let's make financial literacy the most exciting part of their journey to adulthood!

Start your financial journey today!
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Give your students the opportunity to begin their financial education before they're adults!

Crafted by Profixa's financial experts, The DOH opens the door to the financial world for kids. Introducing essential concepts and strategies, we guide young learners towards financial literacy and independence.  Plant the seeds of financial growth now!
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The Curriculum

Students of the DOH will be educated on the basic ideas of buying habits, budgeting and the credit system.

Welcome to the Digital Age of Financial Literacy with the DOH! Our cutting-edge curriculum guides students through the digital landscape of smart spending, budgeting wizardry, and the complexities of the credit system.

Dynamic, Bite-Sized Lessons

The course is broken down into five chapters. Each chapter contains powerful information for students to arm themselves in real world financial situations.

Interactive Assignments for Real-World Skills

Students will be prompted with a self-analysis to help them understand their spending habits, complete real-world budgeting situations and more.

Engaging Quizzes and Celebratory Certificates

At the end of each chapter, students will be tested on the important information they've learned. Students will also be rewarded with a certificate of completion and valuable information for their financial future.